An ongoing anthology series containing true, realistic portrayals of combat and the horrors of war as told by real soldiers serving or who have served across time periods.
From the Revolutionary War to the War of 1812 and the Civil War, from World War I & II to the Korean War, from Vietnam to Afghanistan. From every battle and heartbreak to the resounding feelings of triumph.
Nearly every branch of the military is represented in this collection of stories that are heartwarming, heroic, harrowing, and even at times, hilarious, spanning the global history of American Combat Forces.
There is no holding back, each story’s depiction of brutality and dehumanization will be told from multiple perspectives, including bombers, refugees, and foot soldiers, providing an accurate view of the way the average soldier viewed combat. A view that was outside ordinary experience in a world that was… elsewhere. This makes this series a strong contrast to the comics of the past that glorified the battlefield.
In addition, every issue will feature a back-of-the-book glossary explaining the authentic lingo of the characters and the time periods therein as well as letters page to which readers can send in stories of their fathers’, grandfathers’ and other families and friend’s exploits.
In conjunction with the Veterans Affairs Office, we would provide the opportunity for all of our esteemed military veterans and branches the opportunity to present their stories in sequential art form. This will provide each veteran the opportunity to tell their story while providing a therapeutic and cathartic release for mental and emotional healing. Each veteran will be paid for their story and a portion of all profits will go to charity for the aid of all our veterans.
Finally, the series at various times will include printed color pinups of tanks, planes, ships, etc. in the centerfold or the back page (inner or outer). It is an entertaining and moving work of graphic non-fiction, pairing members of the US military with up-and-coming creators in comics to share real world war stories told by those who lived them.