Tapestry is a series of books that tells the story of various super-heroes from now defunct publishing companies that have lapsed into the public domain.
Set in the 1936 to 2023, the series examines the multiple universes of public domain superheroes and the new universe created from their unexpected merging and rewritten timelines
From the perspective of two Everyman characters, twin brothers Charles & Phillip Raymond. The series will portray two ordinary lives side-by-side in a world full of costumed superhumans, with each story arc featuring events based on a meta-commentary of the comic industry’s history, as well as a variety of minute details and a retelling of the most famous characters and events in the public domain.
Upon completion of this first story arc, the following arcs will begin to explore this rich and new world’s characters and timeline.
Series Arc One (Cataclysm) – Year Zero (5 Issues)
Set in the years from 1985 to 1987, the multiple universes of public domain superheroes; face an unknown force that is forcing their universes to merge with catastrophic results as they attempt to stave off the destruction of their various individual universes.
However, with the devasting effects of this battle, the heroes will be forced to re-examine both their existence and the greater ramifications of the universal truths they discover.
Series Arc Two (The Golden Age) – 1936-1955 (5 Issues)
These stories uncover the truths of this new timeline and universe by exploring the beginning of the ascension of super-powered beings in the public starting from 1936 – 1955 and expanding on pre-published material in the public domain.
Perspective: Charles Raymond and Phillip Raymond (Brothers: 7-26 years old)
Series Arc Three (The Silver Age) – 1955-1970 (5 Issues)
These stories will follow up on this new universe and investigate the disappearance of superheroes from 1955 until their re-emergence in 1962, up to and including 1970.
Perspective: Charles Raymond and Phillip Raymond (Brothers: 26-41 years old)
Series Arc Four (The Bronze Age) – 1970-1985 (5 Issues)
Continuing the exploration of this new universe we now enter the time period of 1970 – 1985. The series ends with the cause and effect of what started the universal destruction that led into Series One (Cataclysm).
Perspective: Perspective: Charles Raymond and Phillip Raymond (Brothers: 41-56 years old)
Series Arc Five (The Modern Age) – 1985-2005 (5 Issues)
The time period of 1986 – 2005 sees the advent of the anti-hero and darker, more brooding protagonists than has ever been seen before.
After the events of the previous story arc, the new generation of heroes have lost their moral compass, becoming as reckless and violent as the villains they fight.
Under dire circumstances the heroes of the past who still remain, although aged, return to stem the tide of destructiveness unleashed by new and younger heroes, some of whom are their very descendants. This sets up a battle of the old guard against these uncompromising new protectors in a conflict that will define what heroism truly is and determine the future of this new universe.
Perspective: Charles Raymond and Phillip Raymond (Brothers: 56-76 years old)
Series Arc Six (The Convergence) – 2012-2022 (5 Issues)
After the events of the “The Modern Age” story-arc, multiple governments have begun to challenge the necessity of super-powered heroes and their benefit to society as a whole. As such, various governments have created counter-measures for the destruction of all heroes while either covertly creating their own state-sponsored heroes or convincing already existing heroes to become state-sanctioned.
Meanwhile, new heroes begin to appear taking on the names of former superheroes, with a focus more towards social justice as opposed to fighting crime and corruption, setting off national and world events that lay the foundation for a social civil war that will challenge the competing ideas of self-determination or full government oversight and control.
Perspective: Charles Raymond and Phillip Raymond (Brothers: 83-93 years old)
Series Arc Seven (The Heroic Age) – 2023-? (5 Issues)
Introduction of the Multiverse
Perspective: Charles Raymond and Phillip Raymond (Brothers: 94 years old and subsequent deaths)