Khesed: The Loyalty of Love is a compilation of stories and scripture in chronological order based upon the events in the Bible, from the Creation of the world in Genesis chapter one, to Apostle Johns revelation of The Messiah at the Island of Patmos in the book of Revelation, and the dates they occurred.
It is not simply a chronological list but actual placement of said text in it’s proper order to see the whole aspect of the storytelling structure without jumping from sections of different books spread out between multiple letters, scripture, scribes and storytellers.
This will require taking sections from various books and organizing them to read as an ongoing and structured story see: Bible Stories In Chronological Order).
What makes this book different is that it will include not just the Old and New Testaments but it will also include “lost” books as well.
The following pages provides samples of how the chronological order of the stories will be organized (using Old & New Testament) and following that a list of the book/scriptures that will be included.